Graduate Student
EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley

I am a sixth year PhD student in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California, Berkeley. I am current being advised by Prof. David Foster and Prof. Jose Carmena. I am interested in systems neuroscience and its application to building computational devices/systems. Currently, I am working on real-time analysis and manipulation of neural activity to better understand the role of hippocampus in spatial navigation. I am particularly interested in replay and sharp-wave ripples. ActiveLink, one of the tools that I have been developing for real-time analysis is now available on GitHub. Here is a paper introducing some of these concepts, and here is some research from our lab talking about replay and its presumed role in the context of spatial navigation and planning.

I am passionate about biking! In June 2019, I participated in AIDS LifeCycle which is a 545 mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money for San Francisco AIDS foundation and the Los Angeles LGBTQ center. In my free time, I like baking sourdough bread and pizzas with a moderate level of success.